Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Comment Spam, Papen Gras, Leading the Blind, and Misc. Items TBD

Attention all Embryos!!! Prepare to evacuate how i would start a book if i ever wrote one. Kind of gives off a freaky image right away doesn't it? I think it works though.

Alright then back to the main event! I am pretty sure that I'm the only one that actually looks at the comments section, mainly because i get email alerts telling me that one of my devout followers has decided to praise me. I like being praised, it makes me feel complete. It makes me feel like a good boy!! Anyways, i noticed that i am now important enough to receive comment Spam!! I haven't check the links but, i am pretty sure that on week 4 or something, there are 4 links to weird may be porn!! Hang on... ... ... OMG!!!!! What is that horse doing!?!?!?!?! Is that it couldn't be!!!! I don't believe's really eating that carrot!!!

Alright i didn't check the links and there really isn't a horse eating a carrot but, i bet i know what you were thinking before you got to the carrot part!!! What a bunch of pervs i have reading this!!

Found out something cool about Germans yesterday for Valentine's Day...

Oh yeah quick side note, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!

Anyway, i found out that Germans love to drink!!! They also love to throw parades!!! For Valentine's Day there was a big parade with much drinking! Everyone was in costume and having a merry old time. The floats were handing out shots like beads in New Orleans. They also threw out vampire fangs and whistles...don't ask.

After the parade was past our domicile (yes i went there with domicile, i looked it up and it is correct to use it there. I'm edumacated!) we began the exodus! Turns out that they throw out all the stops for this festival. Not only is there a parade but, there is also a huge...HUGE...HUGE!!!!!!! party tent staked out that all the floats end up at. Inside of this HUGE!!!!!!! party tent is a HUGE!!!!!!! crowd. Every person in there is completely hammered. Pretty much falling down while standing still. Actually, it was even worse...Falling down while sitting in a chair. There was a live band jamming out and pumping everyone up.

Speaking of the live band... i believe that this is the only country where an entire song could be formed with the word "La." Every time the guy said "La" people started jumping and cheering. What really drove everyone up a wall and back down the other side was when he said Papenburg. Everyone's head would literally explode and then come back together on the person to the left's shoulders. It was phenomenal!!! Like watching a dinosaur hatch, which i have seen several times and recommend anyone who hasn't to seriously re-evaluate their life's plan...alright i lied. Although i have seen all of the Jurassic Parks AND eaten the cereal.

Here are some videos!!!!!!!! They are on Youtube but, I wouldn't even try to find them. Unless you know something that i don't on how to search, say screw it and watch them here. But what do i know!? I'm a bear! I suck the heads off fish!! (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, very good movie)

Video #04 is being a little bitch so...enjoy the other 5 here. It'll come around eventually or, it won't. Try not to lose to much sleep about it. There are photos too in the photo gallery...where i keep things like that.


"I see!!" said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw (get it? because, like, the dude is blind right?, but he picks up his hammer and SAW...yea it's a classic). I finally got my contacts in so I'm not totally blind. Woot Woot!! Woot Woot!!...indeed. I'm thinking i finally need a pair of glasses. At least as a fall back. Hopefully i won't break them every other day like i did in the past.

In case you were interested...I am a bear after all.

Time for me to burn through the sky. 200 degrees that's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit, and I'm signing off...First one to comment on where Mr. Fahrenheit comes from AND why he needs to reload gets a prize. No, seriously I'll get you something.


Anonymous said...

Two hundred degrees that's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit ... I'm a sex machine ready to reload. Like an atom bomb about to oh oh oh oh oh explode!

Yea, I'm the champion, my friend. Where's my gift? =)

Benscotticus said...

The prize still be in Germany and it still be sitting on the shelf.

You can remain anonymous forever either. Eventually I'm going to have to know who you are to hand off the prize!!!

Unknown said...

hey Ben! damn i thought i was gonna be the first to reply bc damn it i want that prize!! LOL i saw your videos! they were very entertaining!! i miss you very much! miss my drinking buddy! lol! i hope you're having fun and just having a blast with all those damn Germans!! hehe!! oh and guess what! im getting glasses tomorrow.... bummer.. i thought i wouldnt have to wear them ever! ok well enough is enough! love you!!

Unknown said...